Clyw y coed hynafol – clyw hi’n sibrwd.
Clyw y gwynt gaeafol – clyw o’n crio.
Clyw y tawelwch – yn canu.
Clyw d’enaid – mae’n dealt.
Rydym gyd yn ddim ond dail yng ngyrthiad y gwynt.
Ni anghofir dim. Byth ni anghofir dim.
Gwranda ar y goedwig ddoeth gyfriniol.
Ar alwad mwyn ei llais sy’n ysu rhyddid.
Lliniynna dy fwa, gwll dy saeth.
I esgyn drwy’r awyr eang.
Rydym gyd yn ddim ond dail yng ngyrthiad y gwynt.
Ni anghofir dim. Byth ni anghofir dim.
Hear the ancient trees, they whisper.
Hear the winter wind, it cries.
Hear the silence, singing.
Hear your soul, it understands.
We are nothing but leaves driven by the wind.
Nothing’ll be forgotten. Nothing will ever be forgotten.
Listen to the wise, mystic forest.
To the voice that cries freedom.
String your bow, release your arrow.
Set it free, let it fly.
We are nothing but leaves driven by the wind.
Nothing’ll be forgotten. Nothing will ever be forgotten.
Ritchie Palczewski. All rights reserved.